The crazy $5.00 sale of my book is about to end I wanted to be sure you heard the thoughts from a couple of the thousands of readers…

“Is your life and everything you want worth 7 minutes per day to you?  The mind is a muscle and like all muscles it must be stretched and exercised. In this book The 7 Minute Millionaire Tony Neumeyer lays down in easy to understand terms how you can create PPM’s or Personal Programming Messages that will positively impact you all day long.  I know this works because these strategies took me from poor farm boy to self-made multi-millionaire.  You will love the book.  Even better you will love your new life once you put this book into practice.”

Marshall Sylver author of “Passion, Profit, and Power”

“Here are the stepping stones to dreams come true.  Tony’s 7 Minute Millionaire shares a simple method that makes sense and works”

Doug Wead, New York Times bestselling author and former White House adviser to two American presidents

Here’s the bottom line…

Everyone I know that has put the formula I detail in The 7 Minute Millionaire to work, has made huge positive changes in their life.

And now for $5.00?

You’ve got nothing to lose!

Order today… the sale is about to end.