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In this post I talk about how to make each and every day great and improve your life’s quality. The point is that you don’t have to accept that you are having a bad day. You are in charge of your life, and you alone can change it. I am happy to share with you some simple and easy tips that will help keep you on track so you can enjoy your life to the fullest, because life’s too short to spend it in a bad mood.

Try to sleep 8 hours a day. That way you will have more energy and won’t be cranky when you get up in the morning. Ensuring you get enough sleep will allow you to get the maximum out of your day. Also, focus on today. You will have plenty of time to think about tomorrow when you get there. Always remember to smile and spread positive energy. It will make you and those around you feel better.

Also maintain a positive attitude, because everything can be sorted out. Don’t allow obstacles to prevent you from having a great day. Allow for spontaneity and think outside of the box to spice up your life a bit. Seek inspiration in life’s simple pleasures and go for a walk. It will help you clear your thoughts and sort out your daily obligations, so that you keep moving forward. Allow people around you can help as well.

All of these things can be a force that will move you forward in achieving a great life, and countless great days.


Don’t you just hate having a bad day? I’m not talking about those situations when you spill your coffee, or lose a sock. You can remove the stain and find another pair of socks. I’m talking about those days when you don’t want to get up from the bed. The work is killing you, your spouse is in the mood for some fighting and the kids are crying. Usually most of us respond with anger or we blame our self, and there you go, you are having a bad day in no time.

Does it always have to be like that? Should we just wait for them to pass and hope tomorrow will be better? No, not if you ask me. The time for changing your attitude was yesterday.

Like Bob Feller said:

“Every day is a new opportunity. You can build on yesterday’s success or put its failures behind and start over again. That’s the way life is, with a new game every day.”

So if you want to have a great day, I’ll be happy to share with you some tips that will help you to get back on track and enjoy life, because life’s too short to spend it in a bad mood.

Allow Yourself a Good Night’s Sleep

Sleep eight hours a night. Now I know some people don’t “require” eight hours and if that is you, be sure to get a good sleep and sleep through the night. That way you’ll have more energy and won’t be cranky when you get up in the morning. You will have a clear mind to make the best decisions during that day. It is scientifically proven that losing just a small amount of sleep, even just 20-30 minutes, can bring down your performance by 30%. This means you will have poor concentration, less energy and the only thing you will think about will be how to get more sleep. Sleep is that important to your body. So why not try and go to bed a bit earlier. You will see the benefits in no time.

Today Matters the Most

It isn’t a bad thing to think about the things you have to do during the week. But it affects your day, and doesn’t let you focus on the present. So to use your day in a best way that moves you toward your goals and dreams, and to have a great day, you need to clear your mind. You can think about tomorrow when it gets there or when you are planning for it at the end of today. Because now is now, and if you focus on the present, it will soon become your habit, and every day will be a great day.

Smile and Spread Positive Energy

First things first, smiling will make you feel better. And by doing this you will spread a positive energy and attract people. Also, make an effort to help others in need. You’ll be doing a good deed and besides, helping someone will make you feel great about yourself. The people around you will feel it too. So display a sunny disposition and share positive energy with those around you.

Maintain a Good Attitude

Yes, bad things can happen. The way you deal with them depends on your attitude. You have two choices. You can either choose be miserable through the whole day. Or you can dust yourself off and choose to believe that no obstacle can keep you from moving forward. You are the only one who can make the choice and change the situation around. Like Ghandi once said: “Be the change you want to see”. So the first step in achieving your goal is to believe and act like you have the skills for it and nothing can stop you. It all comes down to how you think about things.

Be Spontaneous

Your day doesn’t have to be like other ones, cluttered with the same things and acts. Doing something new and breaking your routine will bring the excitement you crave. It only takes one out of the box action to make your day unique. It’s all about breaking the pattern. You will change the things that made you feel bad, and adding something new to your life can’t do any harm. It can only make you feel better.

Find Inspiration

Inspiration and focus are key factors for an artist. When moved by something, the artist creates a masterpiece. And in the most cases, the inspiration for it is an ordinary, everyday thing.

Inspiration is fundamental for you as well if you want to have a good day every day. Pay attention to the small things. Look at the trees, the birds and people around you. Take a walk in nature, go watch a sunrise or a sunset. Visit a museum, read a book, listen to music and do the tasks that move you toward your dreams.

Move yourself away from the things that have a negative impact on your outlook, like watching too much news or engaging in an argument about meaningless things. Devote your time to feeling the world around you and I guarantee you, inspiration will come into every aspect of your life.

Go Out for a Walk and Get Exercise

Before, I had no time for myself. My mind was always filled with choirs, obligations and concerns. I just didn’t have a free moment to clear my mind and think about things without the constant feeling of pressure. One day I was sitting with my friend in a coffee house and he told me his life had changed since he started going for walks every day. “Half an hour was enough,” he said. “I leave my phone in the house, and for those thirty minutes no one can reach me. I am alone with my thoughts.” At first it seemed to me he was exaggerating. You know, I couldn’t believe that only 30 minutes of walking could change a person’s life. Soon I forgot about it, but then I was talking with someone else who told me a similar story.

So my suggestion is that if you don’t have an exercise routine into your life, at least start walking thirty minutes a day. Do it every day without fail and you will be amazed at how it can change your outlook in life.

Spend Some Time with People You Love

If you surround yourself with people you love, they will feed you with positive energy and warm feelings, helping you get through the bad times. They are the ones with whom you share your happiness and success. But they are also the ones who will be there for you when you are down, and help you to lift yourself up. And those are the things that matter. Family and friends are always full of understanding, and that is what we all need when we are having a bad streak. The time we spent with them is truly quality time. All it takes is one kind word from them, a hug, or a smile, to make your day a great one.

We have come to the end of today’s journey. I hope this will benefit you as it has me, so that you will always strive to make every day a great day. Simply follow these simple guidelines I have provided you with to get started. You are the one who is in the driver’s seat each day, and you must drive forward to MAKE EVERY DAY A GREAT DAY.

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