I’m reporting my progress on watching Game of Thrones.


For one reason, I don’t normally watch this type of show but it has captured my imagination.

Tonight, I’ll likely watch the last episode of season six, which is currently all that’s available.

But more importantly, there may be lessons to be learned (if you can get past all the brutality).

Think about yourself and how you’d react in the crazy situations the characters find themselves in.

When Khaleesi, Mother of Dragons, is confronted with a variety of potentially life threatening situations she doesn’t just give up.

In one instance, she telepathically summons one of her dragons to save her from almost certain death as she and her protectors are being attacked in the fighting ring by some bad apples that don’t like the fact she abolished slavery.

With each challenge she gets stronger and more determined.

Or how about Tyrion, who due to his dominion as a dwarf, often finds himself in peril.

Thank goodness he’s an exceptional raconteur and can talk himself out of any situation; well, most that we’ve seen so far.

Then there’s Arya.

The young impetuous girl that is anything but cut from the cloth of the noble house in which she was from.

She killed people and had people killed (one could argue they deserved it, mind you).

And yet, in the end, she stays true to herself.

She decides what her life will be, not “nobody” – even the man of many faces – is going to determine her life’s direction.

And there are a myriad of other characters and situations I could draw examples from.

What’s my point, right?

Unfortunately, I don’t have a dragon to come to my rescue or any supernatural powers – that I know of yet.

But in each of the cases above and many others, I wonder how other people would handle the pressure?

It’s times like this that we really can learn about ourselves.

And others around us.

How is it that some people (not the fictitious character type) dig deep down when times are tough or it looks like there’s no way out?

Largely, I think it comes from a deep understanding of what it is you need to accomplish in your life.

It’s a burning desire within… survival isn’t a goal, that’s a given.

There’s much more.

You know at that moment you need to take charge of you.

If you’ve ever felt things were at their bleakest, yet you not only recovered, but thrived, you’ll know what I mean.

I know I had that feeling when coming out of a bankruptcy in my early 20s.

Failure was not an option.

I was able to instill that desire, fortitude and drive by taking control of what was programing my subconscious.

It took aligning my conscious desires and conscious thoughts with my subconscious actions.

It was easy to do though.

It only took about 7 minutes a day.

I used the exact strategy I detail in my book, The 7 Minute Millionaire: How to Think Yourself Rich.

If you’ve ever wanted to be laser-focused, accomplish more in less time, achieve your goals, (not just set them) and have fun along the way, here’s the link to take charge of your life: https://members.tonyneumeyer.com/products/the-7-minute-millionaire-2