There’s a funny story going around on twitter first posted by Chris Bramwell. Everyday her dog, Dusty, pines and waits to go outside and check “the magic bush” in her yard.

You see, a while back, Dusty found a half a pie in the bush and had a great time eating it!

I know my dogs would as well, which might be why this story resonates with me.

But, that one action created a hunting success for Dusty. In her mind, great success!

So everyday, she goes back to the same bush, looking for that same success.

But, there’s more of a lesson here from Dusty, the dog.

I was once told by a mentor of mine, when I was selling real estate; “find something that works for you and do more of it.” Great advice.

Doing just that, I was able to go on and become one of the top 10% of sales people in my area.

When we apply this same logic and work ethic in other areas, we can likely duplicate other successes in our life. Not that of Dusty, who’s owner, Chris, is sure to check the bush to be sure there isn’t unwanted edibles available. But that, as told to me by my mentor.

In fact, it’s true, in many areas of life and business.

You’ve likely heard the “definition of insanity?” – “Doing the same thing and expecting different results.”

But reverse this, and when you have success, “doing the same thing, you’re going to get more of the same results.” If the result is what you’re after, wouldn’t you do more of it?

I bring this up, because it’s a simple formula I’ve used for years. Even years after retiring from my successful real estate career, I used a similar formula to further grow the multi-million-dollar business I created part-time, while working full-time in real estate.

And now, I have what I call, The WIFI Lifestyle!

I get to do pretty much, what I want, when I want, where I want, without the usual monetary constraints most people face.

And to help you accomplish the same thing, I’ve created a new report for you fittingly called, “The WIFI Lifestyle” – What else would I call it?

Anyway, I suggest you grab a copy of it right away, it was just released today!

Get your FREE copy here:

I’ll talk a bit about the (my) lifestyle, but more importantly, how YOU can create it too! You can create your personalized form of The WIFI Lifestyle.

I’m sure you’ll come away with a better understanding of what it takes to have true FREEDOM!