OK, follow me on this because seriously, this just happened…

I arrived in Mexico the afternoon of March 6.

We first stayed at the luxury resort, Grand Velas, south of Cancun. The food and service was amazing, definitely not your typical all-inclusive resort. (you can see it here: https://rivieramaya.grandvelas.com/)

When I was at this resort, I barely looked at my computer.

I checked my stock portfolio once a day.

I had turned off my Facebook ad campaign, so nothing to check there.

I went to the gym Monday – Friday as I usually do.

I made a couple of update videos for my WIFI Lifestyle Team.

I wrote a few short emails.

The bottom-line is that I was just taking some time for me.

Then on March 19, we moved into the waterfront condo we had rented a little further south in Puerto Aventuras. We stayed in the same building we had lived in for five years full-time. (that’s a lifestyle story all on its own – I just worked from there, all online – do you want to live in a tropical area and work from there? – you can)

At the condo I had good internet access and did a bit of writing, but still didn’t do anything pro-active with me business. I did make another update video for the Team.

On March 30, I returned to my vacation home in Scottsdale, AZ.

I’m here for two weeks and then heading back down to the other side of Mexico, Cabo San Lucas for a month where we’ve rented a condo. I’ll be doing some work from there and my usual routine.

OK, so why am I telling you this?

Good question, for sure.

Here’s the result of that “holiday.”

As I was taking that time away and doing little to nothing proactive in my business, my business grew in leaps and bounds. I had several people join my WIFI Lifestyle Team and others start the 21-step training to learn how to market online.

I got an email telling me that my affiliate business had generated almost $7,000 in commissions during that time, while I played in the sun.

Now, I don’t know if $7,000 is a lot of money to you for three weeks of not working, but it is just a testament to how this business works.

If you build it right, it starts to have a life of its own and you almost can’t stop it.

I’m telling you this because this is available to you and I want to help you achieve it.

It all starts with the 21-step online training I mentioned above.

Also, when you start with the 21-steps, I give you complimentary access to my course, The Achievers’ Formula. (usually $49.95)

Once you graduate from the 21-steps, I’ve got even more in store for you to help you with your success. But, you also have live coaches helping you, every step of the way!!

If you would like to join my WIFI Lifestyle Team, it all starts here: www.tnwifimillionaire.com

Watch this video all the way through and then get started on the 21-steps. You can have the lifestyle many people only dream about.

So stop dreaming and click on over here now: www.tnwifimillionaire.com

And if you’d like to see that last video message I sent to the Team, you can view that here: https://youtu.be/hDDOATPsJn8