I haven’t thought about this much until recently when I was thinking about how I can best help people with their finances.

But it hit me…

It’s amazed me that 14% of Americans can’t read.

That’s about 1 in 7.

21% read below a grade 5 level.


Not getting political, but something needs to change in the school system or somewhere else to get those numbers way down.

If I had a solution, I’d offer it. But I honestly don’t.


There are different types of literacy as well.

There’s the type that the above statistics are derived from. Not being able to read a book, a newspaper or a menu.

Can you imagine going into a restaurant to order and not being able to read the menu?

You’d better hope you like the specials the server tells you about.

Then there’s non-statistical illiteracy.

No, I’m not talking about reading as above.

I’m talking about financial literacy.

It’s not taught in school.

Even when you get to college or university, your training may include very specific financial training that isn’t usable in the real world.

For me, I’ve always been interested in the markets and money so I sought out the real-world training I needed.

And that’s also why I know most people don’t really understand the markets and how to make money in them.

It’s also why one of my goals for what I do is to help you become financially independent and free.

But also, I want to help you become financially literate.

To really be financially free, you must also be financially literate so you can continue to create the wealth you need to live on.

You get the literacy you need to exponentially grow your money.
