Mail bag – lack of expertise

I’m diving into the mail bag this morning for a rather timely result you should hear about. First, here are the questions. I’m then going to answer each and give a solution wrap-up at the end… Q: Tara: “Tony, I like your stuff and I get that doing something online is...

Do as I say, not as I do

Remember when your parents would say, “Do as I say, not as I do.” Why is that? Aren’t parents supposed to be our guiding light? Aren’t they the ones we’re supposed to learn from? Maybe, we as kids were trying to grow up too fast in their eyes. OK, I won’t belabor the...

Can you pass a literacy test?

I haven’t thought about this much until recently when I was thinking about how I can best help people with their finances. But it hit me… It’s amazed me that 14% of Americans can’t read. That’s about 1 in 7. 21% read below a grade 5 level. Wow! Not getting political,...