What’s your bias Jeff Bezos?

I know you’re not Jeff Bezos, it’s not a mistake. We all have our biases and I’ll tell you Jeff’s in a moment. Really, you wouldn’t be human if you didn’t have a bias. The question becomes, do your biases hold you back? Do they interfere with your life in a negative...

Being motivated sucks

Motives are interesting things. Money, sex, power, recognition, greed, etc. These are apparently key themes that motivate us. You might think that being motivated is all negative just reading that list. But I look at motivation a little differently. Here’s how. When I...

2.9 seconds isn’t fast enough.

If you haven’t watched this sport yet, I get it. It’s like any other, you need to know the players, the rules and team members to really appreciate it. But… Don’t miss the important lesson here. From setup before the race to the take-down after, the precision of these...

Was my mother abusive?

In the recent US election, waterboarding as a “persuasive” interrogation technique got a lot of news coverage. Everyone has their own ideas of what constitutes abuse. It could also come down to the specific situation in some cases. But this isn’t a political...