I’m diving into the mail bag this morning for a rather timely result you should hear about.

First, here are the questions.

I’m then going to answer each and give a solution wrap-up at the end…

Q: Tara: “Tony, I like your stuff and I get that doing something online is the way to go for me, but I don’t really have “an interest” to become an expert in.

I’m not really the type to be in front of people like that.

What other ways can I approach this?”

A: Thanks for the compliment Tara. Your comment and question aren’t uncommon.

A lot of people don’t want to be in the limelight or in front of the camera so to speak.

That’s one of the reasons I’m also a strong advocate for becoming an expert affiliate marketer.

It can give you all the income, time and freedom of an online business (which it is), without the need to be a producer of products or be the one in front of an audience.

See the challenge and the solution below…

Q: Dominick: “How much time will it take to get this (a business) going and make some decent money? Be honest please.”

A: How much time do you have, Dominick?

Truly, it can be a full-time (or more) endeavor right off the bat, but most people are more comfortable starting slowly on a part-time basis to learn the ropes, and still have income from their job.

When starting any business, it’s important that you set aside time each day and/or week to learn about how to start, but also to actually start.

My suggestion is about two hours a day to start with, and a bit on the weekend.

With the right training, you should be profitable fairly quickly (one to three months). And from there, you can scale to any size you choose.

More on the solution below…

Q: Teri: “I’m really not a techie. Can I still build a business online? How?”

A: Hey Teri, definitely something I hear often. There’s really no need to fret about not being a technically inclined person. It comes down to some very basic training and having a couple of the right people you outsource to.


All three questions, although quite different, come down to one very basic but important factor my trusty reader.


Great training!

The affiliate world is fraught with hundreds (likely thousands) of fake gurus and people who would gladly take your money in exchange for the garbage they’re pedalling.

Fortunately, I’m connected with some of the top online people in the world.


And today I’m introducing you to my favorite affiliate training program. It’s just opening up again for registration.

And, as an introduction, you get a FREE three video course preview!

I’ve seen the material and can tell you without a doubt, this 6-week challenge affiliate training is the best available online today!

Bar none.

I don’t say that lightly.

I highly recommend affiliate marketing as a viable online business.

But start with the FREE mini-course here: https://goo.gl/aUFULS