End Aging and Avoid Death

In my book, The 7 Minute Millionaire (which you can get here) I talk about wanting to live to be at least 135 years old. Not just “living,” but enjoying a health life and lifestyle. Does that crazy or impossible to you? At this stage, I’m not sure either of course,...

I’m up tens of thousands of dollars already…

What do you think will be one of the most important influences of your success from today forward? In life, we often find ourselves at a crossroads. Some minor. Some major. The answer… It’s the actions that we take and the decisions we make at those times that can...

Paper vs. real money

When I was learning to trade currencies, it was a requirement in my classroom sessions that we had a “practice money account.” Simply, this is an account that’s funded with play-money. If you lose it all it can be replenished at no real cost to you. These types of...

Make money by being wrong

Do you know someone who has this inherent need to be right all the time? I mean all the time! It can be very annoying. They just can’t admit to being wrong. When they are wrong, they’ll sort of turn away and ignore the situation. And how about an apology? Forget it!...

What’s your cornerstone?

Is your cornerstone ceremonial or is it part of the foundation of your “being?” I could be talking about your fundamental value system or your financial situation. But let me start here… Originally, the cornerstone was the first stone laid in a masonry foundation and...